click on one of the heads to get info about that character!

Azura Honey

She/Her - Latina

Azura lives with her friends Jordan and Skylar, she has known them for 12 years until moving in with them. they all met online in a chat room about horror games.Azura is a very outgoing person and frequently makes friends / mutuals online and irl. Her other important friends are Dawn and Hermiko.Her job is a cafe worker and a gas station worker on weekends

Skylar Ausmodious

She/They - African American

Skylar lives with their partner Jordan and friend Azura, she has known Azura for 12 years and Jordan 17 years until moving in with them. they all met online in a chat room about horror games.Skylar is an introvert and only talks to people close to them, with some people being an exception.her job is working

Jordan Ezra Toast

He/They (FtM) - American

Jordan lives with their partner Skylar and friend Azura, he has known Azura for 12 years and Jordan 17 years until moving in with them. they all met online in a chat room about horror games.Jordan is a Hikikomori that isolates themself in the house and only eats rice. Skylar helps them cope and Azura makes sure Jordan has a some-what of a social life.his job is working as a freelance artist

Jordan Radical Toast

He/Him (FtM) - no specific birthplace

Jordan was my main oc for 3 years until i decided that i would no longer call myself a furry. i still have an attachment to them so its okay if they are drawn, i just dont lable myself as a furry anymore.LORE:
TW: mentions of suicide and eating disorders
Jordan is a very extroverted person but before they were who they are now; Jordan was a hikikomori before transition and was named Jayden.Jayden went thro an eating disorder and tried to kts while being put into an infinite nightmare caused by False. Spider decided to check on Jayden and found him overdosing, then saved him by calling the ambulance.after all of this went down Jayden found out that what he was experiencing was dysmorphia and decided to start transitioning.He now works as a chef at Honeys Cafe and a freelance artist on the side.

Smoke Berry

Any - Demon

Berry came from the demon world to torture Hikori but later on he just became annoying to her and now he views them as friends.also they like weed

Hikori Hori

Any - American/Japanese

Hikori grew up watching idols and wanted to be one badly when she grew up; when she found out what Vtubers were she wanted to audition and become one of the biggest Vtubers out there and achieve her dream of becoming a virtual idol!Later on, while climbing up the ranks to her Vtuber carrier she met a demon named Berry. he was very annoying and Berry views them as friends while Hikori just wants them outside of her apartment.

Skylar Herberts

Any - Hispanic

Skylar is my OMORI oc! L.L.L omori fr.
Skylar grew up in a poor family, being raised in Faraway Park while also sleeping there made Skylar want to help her dad by getting a job at the candy shop and giving all the money she gets to her dad.Skylar is a very extroverted person and can strike up a conversation with anybody. her worse fear is being alone.Skylars best friend is Angel and tends to hang out with the hooligans. Skylar also had a small crush on Abrey but due to her dad being poor and working a 7AM to 5AM job she never let herself have romantic feelings towards people close to her.Skylar would be a NPC needed for the Universally Loved achievement